« Port Au Prince Point Lisa,国内外贸易 国际海上运输 VARNA BURGAS 索菲亚 散装拼箱运输 »


is a fast growing customer-oriented firm in the logistic industry. Founded in 2003, we started our business in Hong Kong as corporate headquarter with a vision to provide worldwide logistics services to clients. Today, RS serves various destinations and becomes one of the leading logistics providers from the major ports in PRC and South East Asia.

RS provides comprehensive logistics services and acts as a trouble-shooter for our clients in regard to any logistics-related issues. We do not only position ourselves as a service provider but also want to become a business partner with our customers. We provide tailor-made services in order to help our customers succeed in the global marketplace.
is a fast growing customer-oriented firm in the logistic industry. Founded in 2003, we started our business in Hong Kong as corporate headquarter with a vision to provide worldwide logistics services to clients. Today, RS serves various destinations and becomes one of the leading logistics providers from the major ports in PRC and South East Asia.

RS provides comprehensive logistics services and acts as a trouble-shooter for our clients in regard to any logistics-related issues. We do not only position ourselves as a service provider but also want to become a business partner with our customers. We provide tailor-made services in order to help our customers succeed in the global marketplace.
◆从E到D: 我们可以为您提供贸易术语中E,C,F,D四个组别13种贸易术语项下的国际货物运输服务;
◆危险品运输:我们可以承接2,3,4,5,6,8,9类的危险品运输,以及SOC TANK的租箱业务;
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