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Warehousing, Handling and Storage
With warehouses globally and modern mechanized handling equipment SEALOCEAN offer storage and warehousing globally. Computer programs are designed in-house to meet the exact needs of each client, often interfacing directly with the clients own systems so a full inventory control system is available through the internet, or by direct link.
We offer bonded warehousing in many facilities, hazardous goods storage and will design operate and build specific warehouses for clients with specialist needs.
Our warehousing is safe and secure and meets the varying needs of each of the many countries we serve.
● Skilled and experience staff
● Inland services all over China for d.g. cargo, including refrigerant and bonded services我司着重发展中国——缅甸的整柜、散货双清业务,为客户提供最合适的船期与最优惠的运输价格,并且可为客户在进行缅甸清关、提货、送货到门等一条龙服务。2017年10月,我司正式成立了缅甸分公司以更好地为客户提供及时高效的服务。我司凭借专业的知识,丰富的经验,超快的效率,周到的服务,帮助客户解决缅甸运输中会遇到的各种问题,特别是缅甸的清关难题,为客户缩短了运输时间,节省了运输成本,获得客户的广泛好评。同时我司也以真诚的做事风格与多年的行业经验,在珠三角物流企业中拥有良好的口碑与竞争力。是获得广州市政府批准的合法经营的国际性物流企业。拥有国际海运、陆运、代理报关和其它相应配套服务之优势。根植于全球物流运输体系,致力为客户打造一条通往非洲、中东、红海地区安全、快捷、经济、方便的物流通道。
2020-5-28 15:52:30
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