以着“以人为本、至诚、至信、”的经营理念,凡事以“客户的满意,就是我们的追求”为原则,同时主动为客户提供货物的查询、跟踪服务,安全、准确、快捷的服务好每一位客户,体现出企业经营的合法性、合理性、规范性,并在此基础上构建了良好的企业文化和共享机制。联博公司全体员工团结一致,努力开拓进取,推动着公司现代化、规范化的发展方向。 的经营理念是:“坚持不懈,不断创新,建设一个技术更先进、运转更高效、成本更合理、服务更周到的国际速递及国际空运服务平台!” 在长期的业务经营中,与AA、Y8、CZ、EY、LH、MU、DL、AM、PO、SU、AZ、PR、BI、9W、6R、CM等多家航空公司建立了良好的合作关系,并通过完善的网络、专业的团队、优惠的价格以及规范的操作平台为客户提供优质的服务。我司将会竭尽一切所能向每一位客户提供优良、快捷、便利、全面而周到的服务,我们以通过提供空运服务来缩短世界的距离为己任,期待与您的合作!Dedicated entirely to providing world-beating benefits and networking opportunities to its members, WCA employs a full time staff of over 155 personnel based in eight member service and support offices around the world.
Founded in 1998 by President David Yokeum as the world’s first worldwide non-exclusive network, WCA is neutrally managed and operated to truly benefit every member company. Over the past 20 years WCA has continuously strived to add new, innovative and high-value membership benefits and it is this unique formula, combined with a dedication to excellence, that has enabled WCA to set new standards in the industry.
WCA has grown rapidly to encompass a range of networks and specialised services and each of the networks has flourished, with the help of annual networking conferences where members come together to meet and increase their business. Every member of every WCA network is also automatically covered by the most generous and extensive financial protection programme in the industry that allows your company to conduct business with other WCA members with complete security and peace of mind.
Often imitated but never replicated, WCA remains the true innovator in the logistics networking industry and, by listening to our members, we are dedicated to continue to develop industry-leading solutions to the challenges and opportunities faced by the worlds best independent freight forwarders.
2019-2-10 17:9:43
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